17 June 2011

Out of the Office

I will be out of the office today-Friday June 17th until Monday June 20th 
All emails and phone calls will be returned on Tuesday June 21st
Thank you!

Dolce Vita Photography

16 June 2011

updated to do list... i know you are all anxious

Sally Damm- Completed!!
Tiffany Smith- Completed!!
Krysten Powell- Completed!!
Teresa Glowienka- Completed
Melissa Cook-Final Edit then burn 
Anna Alich- Completed!!
Stacy Wagers-1st edit
Beth Hingsbergen- downloaded
Stacey Conner- downloaded
Melissa Nassauer- downloaded

Diane Frederick-  artworking
Emilee Leighton-  online
Kara Caudell- designing
Tina Naticchioni- online
Season and Brett- online
Nicole Meinking- Completed!!
Ashley Pierce- online
Kristina Bulach- online
Alison Affrunti- completed

Maria Motz- online
Adrian Alivis- Completed!!
Stephanie Saffron- online
Natalie Engel- Completed!!
Ranjana Goel- Completed!!
Christina Seymour- online
Lisa Laughlin- online

UPDATED JULY 7th!!!!!!!!

08 June 2011

A very busy lil bee.... | Cincinnati and Destination Wedding Photographer

Tami Cooper- Final Edit
Jena Elkins- COMPLETED
Megan Jeffries- Final Edit
Erika Engelkamp- 2nd edit done
Lori Kuhn- 2nd Edit done
Sally Damm- 1st edit done
Jeff and Kim- 1st edit done
Nicole Wortham- 1st edit done
Tiffany Smith- downloaded
Krysten Powell- downloaded
Teresa Glowienka- downloaded
Melissa Cook- downloaded
Anna and Jeremy- downloaded
Stacy Wagers- downloaded

Diane Frederick-  online
Emilee Leighton-  online
Andrea Senft-  online
Kara Caudell-  2nd session online
Tina Natacchoini- editing down

Pam Martini- final edits
Ashley Ralph- mailed
Ashley Hughes- online
Stephanie Saffron- editing to go online
Maria Motz- editing to go online
Adrian Alvis- editing to go online

updated June 9th!!!